Paul Vertrees
“A Homecoming”
Tenkara Magazine, Volume 1
Although I’m no Kirk Deeter, I do know a good fly fishing
magazine when I read one. Enter Tenkara Magazine, Volume One.
I know, I know…I’m biased.
Several months ago Tenkara USA founder and magazine creator Daniel
Galhardo asked me to write a couple of articles for his then work-in-progress. After hammering them out, they were sent to
Tenkara Magazine editor Anthony Naples, and I began the long wait for the
magazine to go to press.
At the time my articles were written, I had no idea who my
fellow writers were or what sort of pieces they would submit for
publication. I had some pretty good
guesses on who might have been asked to write, but nothing more.
In late November my copy of the magazine arrived! I was humbled to join the ranks of Daniel Galhardo, Anthony Naples, Dave Dirks, Jason Klass, Rob Worthing, John Vetterli, Kirby Wilson, and others. I feel very much a rank amateur compared
to the rest of these folks.
Many of the contributing writers and artists are friends and
acquaintances, and it was especially good to read their articles and see their craftsmanship. My magazine arrived on a Wednesday, and I
spent the next two days reading it cover to cover.
If you really want to get your finger on the pulse of modern
tenkara, get a copy of Tenkara
Magazine! It covers a wide range of
how-to's, tenkara experiences, destinations (both American and beyond), and
writing styles. Many thanks go out to
Daniel, Anthony, and the rest of the team who put this project together. I’m looking forward to what Volume 2 will