Field Journal Entry
(September 6, 2015) I forgot to take my
headlamp out of the truck and stick it in my waders. It’s dark, it’s 8:00 PM, and I’ve stumbled my
way back upriver to where I parked along the highway. I got to the boulder garden at 5:00 PM, threw
a hopper-copper-dropper rig for two hours with a 12-foot floating line,
switched over to a single hopper pattern for the last hour, and caught around
twenty browns. I didn’t count. This is what September in the canyons is all
September and October on the Arkansas of my favorite times of the year! Just right for a HCD-Floater rig and a tenkara rod. |
Over the past 30 years or so I’ve come to realize that there
are very few, if any, absolutes when it comes to fly angling. However, there ARE some things that work
undeniably well, and John Barr’s three-fly system, the hopper-copper-dropper
(HCD), is one of those, and there’s no reason why this can’t be done with a
tenkara rod! There are times and places
for going trad, and my full-flex rod, 3.5 level line, and eyeless sakasa kebari
patterns are what I go for. Some days
I’ll fish that way with only one pattern, and it’s very enjoyable. Then there are other times and places when
it’s equally enjoyable to test the capabilities of a tenkara rod. That’s what this article is about.
three-fly method removes most of the agonizing gamble that comes with deciding
what trout might choose to eat on any given day and where. John Barr, who
conjured up the solution from his tying bench in Boulder, Colorado, calls it
the ‘Hopper-Copper-Dropper’, an alliterative way to describe a setup that is as
risk-free as angling ever gets.
didn’t invent the three-fly method. Anglers have been tossing–and
tangling–multiple-fly rigs for years. But he has refined that approach into a
system that has not only proven itself on Colorado’s hard-fished waters but
around the United States.”
been pushing the envelope of what tenkara is capable of doing for quite a
while, so I thought why not give the HCD a try?. I’ve basically taken the “traditional” HCD
used by western fly anglers, refined it for use with tenkara, and the results
couldn’t have been better! This isn’t an
approach for ALL mountain water, but it is an approach for a LOT of mountain
water, especially if your personal adventures take you to rivers like the Arkansas, my local “big”
classic (western) HCD setup includes a #10 BC Hopper strike indicator/top fly,
a relatively heavy #14 Copper John
dropper, and a smaller midge emerger, caddis pupae, or baetis emerger bottom
fly. I started out with the pattern
sizes that would be used with a typical 5 or 6 weight western fly rod, and
found them to be too big. So here’s one
down one size on all three, if you can.
This will make the three-fly rig a little more wind resistant when
casting or when it’s windy, and it’ll work with the more flexible tenkara rod
(more on rods later). Here are my
favorite HCD-Floater combos for tenkara:
Baby Boy Hopper
Moorish Hopper
Hippie Stomper (red)
Yeager’s Trude Neversink (peacock) (FAVORITE)
Amy’s Ant (red)
409 (red)
Chubby Chernobyl (tan/tan)
John/Mid-size Droppers:
Copper John (red)
Rubber Legs Copper John (FAVORITE)
Poxyback PMD
October Caddis Larva
Psycho Prince (purple)
Montana Prince
Two Bit Hooker
Gunkel’s Shot Glass Emerger (FAVORITE)
CDC Pheasant Tail
Gold Ice
Jujubee Midges
A #10 BC Hopper. A classic top fly for HCD with a western fly rod,
but a bit too big for a tenkara rod. |
#14 Hipper Stomper (red) |
#14 Amy's Ant (red) |
#16 Chubby Chernobyl |
Classic #16 "coppers" for HCD-Floater
on a tenkara rod. |
#14 Moorish Hopper |
HCD-Floater "droppers", all #18 |
The HCD-Floater method works best with a floating line, and RIGS FLY SHOP MAKES THE BEST ONE OUT THERE! Yeah, I’ve got it, I work
for RIGS, but they don’t pay me to push lines.
The RIGS lines speak for themselves, and we sell a ton of them, and for
good reason. I’ve taken the RIGS
floating lines from the San Miguel, Big Cimarron, and Gunnison all the way home
to the Arkansas. They just flat out work
for the HCD-Floater system (among others).
Here’s why. First, these are (in
the tenkara world) big, brawny rivers.
Most native flows are around 400 CFS in the shoulder seasons, and the water is often 75 feet
across. The wind almost always blows,
especially in east-west running canyons like the Colorado and the
Arkansas. You need a line that’s
functional in the wind, floats so you can drift that big, floaty hopper
drag-free, and one that can effectively cast a relatively heavy three-fly
rig. The line material on the RIGS lines
makes all of that possible, with a buoyant, comparatively heavy line. The addition of a tippet ring makes threading
tippet and changing out tippet material infinitely easier. As a guide who threads a tippet ring hundreds
of times each season, I find that a selling point. As a middle-aged man who wears bifocals
constantly, I find that a selling point!
The addition of a large connection loop and an in-line high-vis strike
indicator make this a highly functional line for non-traditional tenkara.
the largest usable tippet for tenkara set at 5X, that’s where I start from the
tippet ring on the line down to the top fly.
I use mono for this section of tippet.
I use flouro tippet material from the top fly down to the first dropper,
staying at 5X. The section from the
first dropper down to the second gets 6X fluoro. Going with fluoro on the bottom two sections
of tippet keeps visibility down in the water, and fluoro is both denser and
stiffer, which helps turn the cast over better than with mono. I will typically run around 5 feet of tippet
from the line down to the top hopper/indicator fly. The droppers are each run about 16” below the
preceding fly. So, from tippet ring to
bottom fly, this setup is just shy of 8 feet in length. Add a 12-15’ floating line into the equation,
and you have 20-23 feet of line from rod tip to bottom fly. That’s a lot for a tenkara rod to handle, and
you really need the right rod to make this work best. Rods are next.
rivers are usually “big” on the tenkara scale, the canyons are usually windy,
and the HCD and floating line are comparatively heavy. You don’t want to take a 5:5 level line
tenkara rod on a trip like this. What
you DO want to take is a rod that flexes toward the tip (a stiff 6:4 or a 7:3)
and is at least twelve (360cm) feet long.
Rods that have performed well for me fishing a HCD on a floating line
are the venerable Amago by Tenkara USA, the beautiful Nissin Zerosum 400 7:3,
and my current favorite, the now-discontinued (but still available, if you look
hard) Daiwa LT39SF. I much prefer the
lighter weight, better balance, and casting performance of the Daiwa, although
my Amago sure did catch a lot of browns on the Arkansas. In a pinch, the Iwana by Tenkara USA would
do, and if you have the Daiwa LT36SF it would do even better. Both rods are a little short at twelve feet
and 390 centimeters respectively, but they’ll work. I think you get the idea…a 12-foot-plus,
tip-flex rod.
need a rod like this because of the weight of the line and flies, and the
ever-present wind. A mid-flex rod simply
can’t keep up with either very well. A third
factor that a tip-flex rod will handle better is current. Bigger water means heavier flows, and turning
a 16” brown trout in 450 cfs water takes a robust rod.
an HCD-Floater rig requires a slower cast, a little more pause at the end of the
backcast, and a bit of a push going forward to deliver it to the water. It’s not complicated, but it’ll take a few
casts to get in the groove. Once you get
in that groove, it’s pretty easy to nail the same seam, the middle of the same
big pocket, or the mid-current glass that you’re aiming for.
there you have it, non-traditional tenkara at its best. Some may even say that it’s not really
tenkara. Matters not to me. What I do know is that I’m using a tenkara
rod, and it’s a whole lot of fun! So, if you want to experience the possibilities of non-traditional tenkara, or love fishing the HCD with a western fly rod and want to try it with a fixed-line rod, give it a try!